Selected projects. See more >

✹ UI/UX Audit

Conducting evaluations of an app’s or website’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX). Designing intuitive and functional products that feel good to look at and interact with.

đŸ’» Website

Building and maintaining functional, responsive, user-friendly websites that elevate your brand’s online presence and engage your audience. Redesigning existing website design to boost conversions.

đŸ–Œïž Art and Illustration

Elevate your project with a unique perspective and emotional depth, achieved through artistry. Effectively communicate your message through the power of visual communication.

🎹 Visual Identity Design

Give your business a unique identity through custom logos, visual elements and collateral. Create an engaging story that captures attention with eye-catching and practical designs for all your print and digital needs.


I’m Lana, a freelance creative designer based in Karlskrona, Sweden, and working internationally.

🇬🇧 About Lanagraphic

Hello there! Thank you for showing interest in Lanagraphic. Lanagraphic is my personal brand, which was established in 2014 in Karlskrona, Sweden. Since then, I have been providing visual art and design services to various Swedish organisations, companies, and customers in Europe and Canada. Quality is a hallmark of my work, whether it’s graphic design, illustration, art production or interface design. My professional identity is interdisciplinary, which means that I have expertise in multiple fields. Additionally, I believe in a holistic approach to creation, where all aspects are considered for a complete and well-rounded result.

2016, I received the Year’s Entrepreneur Prize in Blekinge County (Årets Nybyggare i Blekinge). The award inspires and shows how entrepreneurs with foreign backgrounds have succeeded in their businesses in Sweden. If you are interested in viewing photos from the ceremony, please click here.

Would you happen to have a project to talk about? Let’s work together! I will listen, research, advise and create. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested in cooperating or thinking about commissioning design services & art. I am open to discussing exciting opportunities to be part of a project or event.

🇾đŸ‡Ș Om Lanagraphic

Lanagraphic drivs av mig, Lana Leuchuk sedan 2014, och jag Àr en visuell kreatör. Jag hjÀlper företag med deras grafiska profil och hemsidor och min arbetslivserfarenhet inom grafisk design och visuell identitet Àr över 15 Är. Jag har fÄtt Àran att arbeta med olika kampanjer, internationella kunder och nystartade företag i olika branscher för att skapa ett unikt visuellt utseende. Min expertis strÀcker sig frÄn skapandet av logotyper och grafiska element till design av marknadsföringsmaterial för tryck och webb som berÀttar historier och skapar en koppling till mÄlgruppen. Min arbetsmetod innebÀr att jag noggrant analyserar och förstÄr varumÀrkets röst, vÀrden och mÄlgrupp för att skapa visuella representationer som kommunicerar varumÀrken pÄ ett övertygande sÀtt. 

I grunden Ă€r jag utbildad bildlĂ€rare med en examen frĂ„n Belarus, och interaktionsdesigner med filosofie kandidatexamen frĂ„n LinnĂ©universitet. 2016 utnĂ€mndes jag till Årets Nybyggare i Blekinge. Det Ă€r den regionala versionen av det pris som kung Carl XVI Gustaf delar ut pĂ„ riksnivĂ„ varje Ă„r. Priset Ă€r instiftat av Internationella Företagarföreningen i Sverige, IFS, för att uppmuntra driftiga personer som invandrat till Sverige och startat företag. Om du vill se nĂ„gra bilder frĂ„n ceremonin, se gĂ€rna via lĂ€nken hĂ€r.

Har du ett projekt pÄ gÄng och behöver hjÀlp av en specialist inom brand & grafisk design, eller design av anvÀndarupplevelse? Alla goda idéer börjar med trevligt samtal och en kopp kaffe/te. Kom pÄ besök eller boka ett digitalt möte genom att fylla i och skicka ett formulÀr. LÄt oss tillsammans arbeta för en meningsfull förÀndring! Jag kommer att lyssna, ge tips, undersöka och skapa. 

Lanagraphic’s Responsibility Policy

How I work. The Process

Achieving success in any project requires a comprehensive approach that involves planning, research, collecting materials, concept development, and implementation. By adopting this approach, we can ensure that a project journey is not only seamless but also yields the desired results.

1ïžâƒŁ Project Brief

We start our collaboration by scheduling a meeting where you can share your ideas and needs for the product or service. If you have already prepared a written brief, we can review it during the meeting. Everything we have discussed we will document. The design brief will outline the scope of work and provide a framework for a designer to justify the project to the business. It will also serve as a basis for a design contract.

Setting clear expectations and formalising the agreement will create a solid foundation for the design project and establish a legal framework for our collaboration.

2ïžâƒŁ Project Start & Research

Once we’ve agreed on the deliverables and pricing, we start off the project. Developing a visual identity or designing any digital product requires understanding the company’s core – its values, goals, and unique character. I work closely with clients to comprehend their brand values, stakeholders, target audience, and market positioning. This knowledge guides the creative process with the utmost precision and clarity.

Participation and feedback are continuous throughout the process, and your input and insights are invaluable in refining the design to ensure it aligns with your vision and goals. To position the project effectively, I conduct stakeholder interviews and market research, analyze trends and competitive landscapes. The design should be more than just aesthetically pleasing; it should be strategically sound.

3ïžâƒŁ Concept Development

Here’s where ideas come to life. I immerse myself in ideation, gathering inspiration, sketching, and presenting concepts. This phase involves discussions to refine and finalise the designs that best represent your vision.

4ïžâƒŁ Implementation & Delivery

Moving from concept to reality requires attention to detail and expertise. This phase involves bringing the chosen design to life, using various tools and techniques to ensure the final product meets the agreed-upon standards.

Continued Cooperation

Once we finalise the logo, graphic profile, website, or digital system, we can use it as a starting point for further collaboration. I can assist you in updating various types of materials where the finished graphic style is applied or help develop digital products that create a positive user experience.

Ordering Guide

If you’re looking for help and guidance on how to commission a project successfully, please follow this link to access the Ordering Guide/ BestĂ€llarguiden written by Illustratörcentrum (in Swedish). The guide provides practical tips and advice on how to succeed with your order. I am a member of this organisation, which is a prominent mediator of creators in visual communication in Sweden.

Interested in working with me? I’m here for you to help with your project.  Let’s talk! 

Thank you

for choosing

to work with Lanagraphic


Thanks Svetlana for a fantastic work! đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ» It is such a privilege to work with you. You delivered with both high quality and creativity, exactly towards the target group we wanted to reach. Our participants in the Design Sprint really liked your design and that you used AI in the creative process. đŸ€©đŸ’Ż

Marie Björck, Strategy and Innovation specialist, Blue Science Park Karlskrona

Du har gjort ett fantastiskt jobb med hemsidan, Lana. Ar riktigt nöjd

Gallery M&Art agents Founder & Artist Marcus Carlsson

Thank You so much for the good work Svetlana at Lanagraphic (WIESD) !! I had to change the name of the company and I used Svetlana to make the new logotype for me. I told her as a customer what I expected and I just LOVE the result! You are so skilled Svetlana, not only a competent artist, but also to read my mind and made the design exactly like I wanted. Thanks a lot!!

Annika Nickan Johansson, Greenwater team Sweden AB

Lanagraphic har en fantastik förmÄga att fÀrgsÀtta, att skapa intressanta resultat med bÄde matchande kulörer och kontraster ton i ton. Resultat som blir spÀnnande och attraherar

Hans MĂ„rtensson, Mecomax AB

I would like to express our gratefulness for your inspiring art works, an artistic composition of the South Baltic area that well-visualises the vision and the character of cooperation across the Southern shores of the Baltic Sea.

Thorsten Kohlisch, Joint Technical Secretariat of the South Baltic Cross-Border Co-operation Programme

Lana is a fantastic person and very skilled and passioned about her work!

Camilla RĂŒdĂ©n, Expandio Ledarskap AB

A selection of customers and collaborations

đŸ‘‹đŸŒ How can I help you?

Looking for a reliable collaborator for your project or event? Don’t hesitate to contact me! I will help you bring your vision to life.

Give the details of your project or idea in the form below, and I will get back to you shortly. 

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✏ Schedule a meeting directly

Chat with me about visual identity, art, UX, product design, AI or anything else.

I offer a complimentary 30-minute consultation that allows us to meet and discuss your specific needs and plans. During this time, I will give you personalised advice and tips based on what you share with me. I will also answer any questions you may have and offer guidance on how to move forward. 

Choose a date and a time in the calendar.