Online presence and printed matter for a specialised enterprise


HydroTechService is a specialised enterprise that designs and maintains hydraulic systems for mobile machines and industrial equipment. It has operated in the Republic of Belarus since 1996 and has served over 4000 organisations. The company has a team of experienced professionals who are experts in modern hydraulic systems. They can handle even the most complex hydraulic repair and maintenance tasks for mobile machines and industrial equipment.

We have collaborated for 16 years to create impactful online and print marketing materials that attract both new and loyal customers while enhancing engagement with their customers and partners at events.

Role & Responsibility

Graphic design services for website and printed materials, including posters, calendars, postcards, banners,  corporate newspapers, brochures, leaflets, notepads and illustrations.

Desk calendar with quotes from an American writer and philosopher, Richard Bach, the author of the books Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah.

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